Monday, July 13, 2015

Vogue's Shop-Hound

Quaint, Charming Prose
from the Shop Hound
In the 1930s, in response to the Great Depression, Vogue Magazine initiated certain editorial spots intended to help readers stay chic on a budget.

One such column was "Shop-Hound". An unseen shopper combed New York City in search of delightful objets de mode, labels and trends, and cost-effective home decor and accessories. And they named a store and its address so that the reader might trot right off to the desired destination.

Of course, pity the poor woman living west of New Jersey, who was, by dint of distance, outside the magic ring of thrifty chic.

Shop-Hound was fond of drinks,
and discovered Ganger's Bar Mart, a whole
store devoted to rows of glasses, stirrers,
trays and swizzles.
At random, you can pick out dozens of things
that are "naturals" for wedding
56 West Forty-Fifth Street
Camilla Shanahan's
Delightful Shop
For those (i.e., this Hound) who like to pause in the rush, rush of shopping about town, Camilla Shanahan's delightful shop at the Ambassador Hotel has a sort of haloed atmosphere. Here you can sit back and assemble -- anything from an inexpensive little wool dress to an extravagant evening gown. There are plenty of young evening clothes at small prices, too -- about $40. We loved a day ensemble consisting of a short cape of emerald green imported velvet and a crepe shirt-waist dress. Each element is adorned with large red flowers. The skirt of the dress sports upside-down tulips. Cost is about $80. Miss Shanahan has a fine selection of Germaine Monteil's clothes. Lovely imported accessories, too.  Vogue, 1938
Dress by Miss Carol Markel,
a very young designer who we want
to keep an eye on.

From time to time, Shop Hound will trot
back to keep you up to date on what's
new and old and thrifty.

À Bientôt!


  1. I am following your posts for quite a while now. You have a lovely, enjoyable, and unique blog! :-)

    1. Hi Yael,
      Thank you for reading my blog. I am glad that you enjoy it. I took a look at your paintings. They are delightful. I like the Tulip people. Keep in touch.
